Thursday 7 April 2011

Evaluation - Technologies

Whilst producing my my magazine, used different types of technology Examples of these being a camera, word, publisher, fireworks etc. Whilst progressing through my magazine i feel i have created a more proffesional looking magazine, as i have had more expierence of working with the programmes.
I took my photos using a digital camera, meaning i was able to get a variety of distances and shot types. I took many pictures but didnt use them all. I took the photos around in my house, then edited them and cropped the background out making them look more professional.
I edited my photo's on macromedia fireworks, enabiling me to fit them confortably on the background. Examples of this are shown below. This shows how i started of with a images with a background, edited it and took the background out, then fitted it onto my front cover.

 Macromedia fireworks was easy enough for me to work with and remove the background from the image. I used new tools to develop my skills, firstly using the lasso tool to remove the majority of the background, then the rubber to remove the rest closer to the edges. Below is a print screen of me using macromedia fireworks, and the image before i edited it.


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