Tuesday 5 April 2011

Evaluation - Representation.

My product consists mostly of the social group of young girls. Girls can be represented in different ways, depending on the genre. As my genre is R&B my females need to be shown as being quite rebelious, chavvy and different. I have tried to show a act of rebilion through my first image, by having my model naked. Although you can only see her back, you know she hasn't got any clothes so i feel it creates this act of rebilion needed. Also the fact she has a tatoo down her back and you know she's young, also creates the feel of she's doing something she shouldn't be. I cropped out the backgrounds as i feel this is conventional and helps create more attention on the model, showing them how i feel they should be shown. This is my main image.

These are my middle page spread images:

 I feel in these images i have shown my model as the "chavvy" girl i wanted to, by using trainers and the glasses.  But i feel in all of my images i have shown my models to be quite natural, with miminal make up and hair do's and just casual clothes. My reasons for doing this is because my target audience is young females, i wanted them to be able to relate to the women, and not feel they have to try hard to be like the girls, like in many female magazines. Therefore the audeince will find it easier to relate to her because she's more like them.  Even though the clothes, hair and make - up are quite miminal, my model is seen as having her own personal style, I.e wearing the trainers and glasses.

My contents page images have the same feel about them, but i also have included a photo of a male. I have used a image of my model doing her make-up in a mirror, and you can see she is just in a general room. My reasons for using this image is because it shows that even though she's famous she can do her make-up her self. This also gives the feel that the readers can relate to the model, and not feel like they can't create their make-up like hers because she has had it done proffesionally, because this images shows her doing it herself. Another image i have shown is two females drinking alochol. My reasons for doing this is because the article was about them hitting the bottle, but also to create the act of rebelion again. You can see by this image that they are wearing jewrelly which shows they are more dressed up than the other models, showing them to have their own personal style. My last image is simply just of a male playing a guitair, again he is wearing casual clothes, consisting of a space invaders top and jeans. Which i feel shows him being casual so that the audience feels that they can relate to him. My images are shown below.

When comparing my images to a magazine similar to mine (Vibe.)
You can see straight away that their image is more sexual, the model is more made up than i wanted mine to be. This makes mine look unconventional but there are reasons why mine isn't the same. The main reason for this because we have a different target audeince. I wanted females to be able to immediatley relate to my magazine, and not feel like they had to try hard to be like them. Whereas in Vibe, the model is clearly wearing lots of make-up, has had her hair done, been fake tanned ect.  

As my target audeince was young males to females ages 16-21, but moslty towards the female side, i felt i should use young fresh language. I tried to use quotes which are sterotypical like "Just stick to it, don't give up, you should always believe in yourself" and "brit awards backstage goss." My reasons for using these are i feel they relate to my young audience, e.g if a reader was trying to become artist and felt they couldn't make it they would be aspired by someone they look up to telling them not to give up. I also used a quote "Kyle shows us his ulimate best.. in the bedroom" My reasons for doing this is because it makes it seem to be something sexual which would attract people to read it. When really it's just him playing the guitar in the bedroom. In my double page spread i used more formal language because i felt it needed to be.

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